Trust Your Gut

Yes, it’s the guaranteed way to live from your heart.

But it’s not easy. However it is simple.

Have you ever gone against your gut? I have. And it didn’t work out so well.

Years ago I used to buy too much stuff. New clothes, fancy car, and the shoes, oh my.

Suddenly I had to turn that wagon around towards reality. But I could have listened when my gut told me NO.

Your gut tells you the truth. And points the way on the path.

It doesn’t always make logical sense. But logic is not final wisdom.

Easy way to hear your truth: go to sleep with the question on your brain and then let it go.

When you wake up, the first feeling that pops into your body is the answer. We feel truth in our bodies before it gets to our brains.


How do you hear your intuition?

When I was living in Thailand and heard the whisperings in my soul to move to Hawaii, I was scared.

This would be too expensive, too difficult, and not smart.

But my gut wouldn’t leave me alone. It kept saying, go for it.

So with shaky fingers I bought the one-way ticket to Hawaii from my computer in Chiang Mai.

This was my secret to keep close to my heart. And suddenly the time came to leave Thailand. My ticket was hot in my hand and I was going.

This is the thing about plane tickets. Once you buy it, you’re going!

Kailua Beach, Oahu, Lanikai, Hawaii my New Home
Kailua Beach, Oahu, Lanikai, Hawaii my New Home

Learning how to trust your gut takes practice, listen and meditate. Pray and you’ll hear the answer.


Recently I had an auto repair issue with my minivan.


My gut told me to go to a certain auto mechanic who was more pricey than I wanted to pay. So I resisted for a few days then said OK I have to go to this person.

And it turned out to be the right people to work with.

My gut was shouting at me, Go to This Other Place. So I did.

Next time you’re wondering what to do ask your gut what the answer is.

You’ll hear the message!

Are you craving a trip to the Big Island of Hawaii?

Take a look at my guide with photos I took while living on the island. 

 Discover the Best of the Big Island Hawaii



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