Kauai: Sea Turtle Love in Hawaii

Kauai: Sea Turtle Love in Hawaii

Wild animals make me move. Yes I mean, pack my bags and go.

In Nepal it was the elephants, in Hawaii it’s the dolphins, sea turtles, and monk seals.

These endangered and protected beings know where it’s at. They show up in the world, and it makes me act like those people who followed the Grateful Dead all over North America just to hear them. 

And I’ve heard them. Sea Turtles have a silent wisdom. When I sit with them in the mornings over in Poipu on the South Kauai Coast, their patience penetrates my speed.

I don’t want to go anywhere, I’ve no desires to be elsewhere.

Kauai: Sea Turtle Love in Hawaii















So I decided to live on Poipu, the south side of the island. After being with the turtles for 2 weeks to get these photos and films.

Sea Turtle Love in Hawaii: It’s now my favorite beach.

The point is, you can choose where to live based on how you feel about a place. Yes this is radical.

But think of it, where was the place that called to your soul?

Sea Turtle Love in Hawaii: Do you live there now?

Turtles know Poipu Beach Park is a safe place to rest. They look happy when they are sleeping on the sand here.

I’m inspired to live the same way.

Kauai: Sea Turtle Love in Hawaii

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